Monday, August 9, 2010

Maybe This Is Working

The art of re-framing how we think about things is the difference between happiness and suffering. I find if I am being kept up at night by the teenager next door playing video games or watching movies into the wee hours and I remember being in Israel and Gaza and I think what it must be like for those in Iraq and Afghanistan...the noise seems like a very minor inconvenience and I gain some inner peace by putting it in perspective.

Sometimes looking at my part time employment and self employment I often think that there is better than here. You know, there...we all have our 'over there' where we are not yet. When I make this amount of money or have that relationship or have this body...over there.

Self employment is not different. There is there in self employment land too. When I have this many clients, when I have published that article, when my income is bigger than my bills... And the magical mind always finds another there to put over there as soon as one gets actually accomplished.

Re-framing is about seeing in the moment...hey, maybe HERE is pretty cool. I am happy right here. I had one of those moments when I realized I was walking next to the ocean watching the seals bask and the waves lazily lap in, with my boyfriend in the middle of a Monday afternoon. When most people are working normal jobs. Then when I was in my car booking massage appts, I thought...hmmm...maybe this is working. As I type in this blog with friends quietly writing across from me I am thinking...Yeah, this is working! How cool is that?

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